When training becomes a learning institution

The D.M. Consunji Technical Training Center (DMCTTC), a monument of achievement and excellence to the Founder himself, Mr. David M. Consunji, is now officially the learning institution of the Consunji group of companies catering to the group and the construction industry in general.

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Memo on elevating training into a learning institution, that is DMCTTC

On October 6, 2009, the president of DMCI, Mr. Jorge A. Consunji, made it known through a memo sent to all employees of  DMCI and copy furnishing all the employees of its affiliate companies that DMCTTC is a reality-come-true of the strategic direction of our Founder. And that, effective October 1, 2009, it “shall stand alone as a separate entity from DMCI to provide technical trainings on infrastructure and behavioral trainings to address common needs of the different companies of the Consunji Group,” as pointed out by the president. Continue Reading »